Portfolio returns – 2022

TRACKER Portfolio
Started with $1,000
Ended with $1.000.
0% return. There were no trades done in this portfolio.

INCOME Portfolio
Started with $60,000
Ended with $59,460
0.90% return. There was 1 trade done in this portfolio.

TRADING Portfolio
Started with $30,000
Ended with $32,000
6.67% return. There was 1 trade done in this portfolio.

Started with $9,000
Ended with $9.000.
0% return. There were no trades done in this portfolio.

Overall FOS Portfolio
Started with $100,000
Ended with $101,460
1.46% return. There were total of 2 trades done in this portfolio.

SPY Performance
SPY was down -19.48% in 2022.

Our portfolio outperformed SPY by 20.94%